Archive | Book Reviews


On the Evolution of Assholes

We are genetically programmed to look out for ourselves. Or more accurately, we are genetically programmed in ways that will protect our genes (and their future replication.) So it is not surprising that humans are prone to “assholeness.” On an individual basis, it is generally better for our genes to do whatever is best for […]

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Drowning in Stuff

On a recent family vacation, I arrived to Bali wearing a green t-shirt with the “Biofreeze” trademark emblazoned across the chest. It was one of six t-shirts I had brought on the journey with the intention of leaving them behind at the end of the trip. To be clear, there was nothing wrong with the […]

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Photo courtesy of Robert Jinks

Life is not a Marathon

Tony Schwartz is an expert on human performance who has set himself apart from other productivity experts with his unique approach on “energy management.”  For Schwartz, who is the founder of “The Energy Project,” productivity and performance are determined by how well we use (and conserve) our energy to maximize engagement and focus in the […]

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Small Choices Change Everything

“Small Choices Change Everything”  —Tom Rath Welcome to 2014.  In some ways, the transition from one year to another is fairly meaningless.  You flip a page on a calendar and move on.  You are the same person you were before.  Yes, there is this cultural habit of establishing new goals or “resolutions” for the year […]

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Courtesy of BetterWorks via Compfight

Engagement 2.0

slworking2 via Compfight The way we typically talk and think about employee engagement may be all wrong. We tend to classify workers into categories:  they are either engaged or not engaged.  For example, an oft-cited Gallup poll identifies 7 out of 10 workers as being either “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” meaning they are “emotionally […]

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