Tag Archives | stress relief


Get Thee to a Spa: Important New Research on the Benefits of Massage

Susie Ellis on Susie’s Spa Blog last week called to my attention a new research study which is to be published this month in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine entitled “A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Single Session of Swedish Massage on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and Immune Function in Normal Individuals.”  The study […]

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VIDEO: In Defense of Pampering (and other Spa Silliness)

In Defense of Pampering from Jeremy McCarthy on Vimeo. Because I am currently on vacation in France and celebrating my grandparents’ (in-law) 70th wedding anniversary (an occasion which warrants a blog article in and of itself!) in place of my regular weekly column, I am sharing a link to a video of the speech that […]

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Mark Liponis

Four Big Ways Spas Contribute to Greater Health and Wellbeing

Just last week, I attended the New York Spa Alliance (NYSPA) annual symposium (see SpaTrade blog here) and was able to hear from Mark Liponis, the corporate medical director for Canyon Ranch, who spoke on “Why Wellness Pays.”  Liponis has a unique perspective as a physician who has been integrating medical services into the spa […]

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