Archive | Facts of Life


Facebook and Mental Health

Today’s guest post is by Michael Kaplan, a video essayist with a YouTube channel called OneHandClap dedicated to original ideas on interesting topics. In an ironic turn, the recent controversy surrounding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica eclipsed another controversy brewing months before. As 2017 came to close, the million-dollar question surrounding the company was, Does Facebook make us […]

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Why The Gun Debate Will Never Be Resolved

Do you remember the Sneetches? In one of Dr. Seuss’s most popular books, he told about a society with Star-Belly Sneetches who had “bellies with stars” and Plain-Belly Sneetches who had “none upon thars.” The Star-Belly Sneetches were the privileged elite and the Plain-Belly Sneetches were discriminated against, not being invited to “frankfurter roasts, or […]

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Anxiety Girl

Anxiety Girl to the Rescue

They say that people fear public speaking more than they fear death, and I can kind of see why. Perhaps one of the most stressful, panic-inducing experiences of my life was agreeing to emcee my company’s holiday party shortly after I had joined the group. Being a somewhat experienced public speaker, I wasn’t all that […]

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Digital Wellness: Wellness in the Age of Technology

This is the transcript of the talk that I gave on Digital Wellness and “Wellness in the Age of Technology.” To learn more about the Global Wellness Institute and our Digital Wellness initiative, please visit  We’ve had a lot of interesting conversations this week about technology and wellness. And I think most of it […]

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