Tag Archives | peak-end theory

Bellman by Leo Reynolds

Why First Impressions Don’t Matter Much

A great article by Andrea Petersen appeared in the Wall Street Journal Travel section last week outlining the “Hidden Ways Hotels Court Guests Faster.”  The article focused on all the ways that different hotel brands are trying to dazzle their guests with an excellent first impression. Hotel industry executives (myself included) were likely to be […]

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118 | 365 celebrate by sweethardt

Was 2010 a Good Year?

In a few days, we will watch the ball drop on another year and say goodbye to 2010.  How much meaning you assign to this event is purely an individual decision.  As I discussed in a previous article (see The Psychology of Time,) these measures of time are strictly a human invention and only appeared […]

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Why is Childbirth so Freakin’ Painful?

As any book or guide on pregnancy and childbirth will tell you, “labor is extremely painful.”  But this does not sufficiently capture the severity, intensity and duration that expectant mothers often go through.  Guidebooks should include a few more clarifying statements such as “No really, we mean it, it is incredibly painful” and “As painful […]

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