Tag Archives | wellness

The Promise of Spa

This week, Intelligent Life magazine posted an article on their blog refuting the benefits of spas.  Spas often take a bad rap as being a superficial luxury indulgence (“dedicated to narcissism” the Intelligent Life article says.) The article describes spas as “a mish-mash of promises” using a hodge-podge of modern technologies alongside ancient healing remedies […]

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The Golden Ratio by Martin Heigan

Spas Could Lead the Way in the Art and Science of Healing

I am proud to welcome Sara Firman, BSc. MPhil. LMT, to The Psychology of Wellbeing.  She is an independent spa therapist, consultant and writer who shares a her wonderful perspective on spa culture on her Vision Spa Retreat blog. Her unique perspective comes from working in clinical, spa and private settings as both a therapist and a manager in […]

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Mental Yoga: Why Psychological Flexibility is the Key to Your Wellbeing

In the last several years, psychology has been flipped on its head with the growth and popularity of positive psychology.  While psychology traditionally has focused on studying things we want less of such as depression and mental illness, positive psychology has focused on things we want more of: happiness, positive emotions, optimism, strengths, and meaning […]

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Hands on Research: The Science of Touch

This special Friday edition of The Psychology of Wellbeing features an essay by Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology at the University of California Berkeley, that originally appeared on Greater Good, the online magazine of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center– Dacher Keltner is its executive editor. In this article (and the accompanying video,) Keltner elaborates on […]

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