Archive | Making a Better World


Why The Gun Debate Will Never Be Resolved

Do you remember the Sneetches? In one of Dr. Seuss’s most popular books, he told about a society with Star-Belly Sneetches who had “bellies with stars” and Plain-Belly Sneetches who had “none upon thars.” The Star-Belly Sneetches were the privileged elite and the Plain-Belly Sneetches were discriminated against, not being invited to “frankfurter roasts, or […]

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Toilet Meditation

Saving the World on the way to the Bathroom

In recent months, mindfulness has been the latest buzzword in corporate America, promising to improve performance, productivity, engagement and happiness for the teams that practice it. Some notable organizations, including Google, Apple and Intel have added mindfulness training programs to their corporate benefits packages. When people talk about mindfulness training, they are talking about one […]

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Guns: Why Everyone’s Arguments are Wrong

Here we go again.  Another tragic, horrific and completely unnecessary mass shooting of innocent young people in a school. In response to the shooting, Obama made an impassioned and eloquent plea for our government bodies to work together towards some kind of “common sense” gun legislation to prevent these kinds of all-too-common occurrences. His speech […]

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On the Evolution of Assholes

We are genetically programmed to look out for ourselves. Or more accurately, we are genetically programmed in ways that will protect our genes (and their future replication.) So it is not surprising that humans are prone to “assholeness.” On an individual basis, it is generally better for our genes to do whatever is best for […]

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