Tag Archives | happiness

Wisdom - Diamond Light by h.koppdelaney

Open Your Mind with Open Monitoring Meditation

Today’s article is by TeachStreet’s Kenji Crosland.  TeachStreet is a website dedicated to providing local and online classes, as well as connections to reliable psychology tutors.  The Psychology of Wellbeing is a featured blog on the TeachStreet website.  You can learn more about TeachStreet’s educational community here. The philosopher and spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti once said […]

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Dublin by Eversheds LLP

Happy? Thank a Lawyer

I am excited to present this fascinating look at the history of our relationship with happiness from Dan Bowling, a practicing lawer, consultant, executive coach and a research fellow at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center.  Dan has been researching the psychology of law practice as it relates to wellbeing.  You can read more about his work […]

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Diversification of Wellbeing

Any good financial advisor will tell of the importance of diversifying your portfolio.  Putting all of our money into one investment leaves us vulnerable to risk.  To protect ourselves, we diversify, investing some of our holdings in riskier investments and some in more stable investments.  This is the safest way to see our assets grow […]

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George is Watching You by peasap

Trading Money for Happiness

A story that was posted earlier this year on the Wall Street Journal blog, “The Wealth Report,” described a wealthy man who gave away his entire fortune as a means of achieving greater happiness.  His feeling was that money and a luxury lifestyle were obstacles to being happy, so he decided he wanted to give everything away.  […]

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