Archive | Mind-Body


Small Choices Change Everything

“Small Choices Change Everything”  —Tom Rath Welcome to 2014.  In some ways, the transition from one year to another is fairly meaningless.  You flip a page on a calendar and move on.  You are the same person you were before.  Yes, there is this cultural habit of establishing new goals or “resolutions” for the year […]

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CLB-6 Marines, sailors enjoy food and fun during field meet

The Cure for Golfer’s Elbow

I was recently dealing with a nasty case of medial epicondylitis (otherwise known as “golfer’s elbow”) characterized by tender pain just inside my right elbow.  Those who know me are probably thinking, “but you don’t play golf!”  And they’re right.  I don’t.  But apparently you can get golfer’s elbow from doing too many pull-ups and […]

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When is Worker Engagement Worker Exploitation?

There has been a lot of talk lately about the “commoditization of mindfulness” in corporate America.  Invariably, when I post an article that talks about using strategies of mindfulness or positive psychology to improve employee satisfaction or engagement, I get a mixed response.  There are some who believe that by promoting these strategies, I am […]

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Movement is the New Fitness

  “I don’t do fitness my friend.  That’s not what I do.  I talk about movement.  Fitness is a small, small, small world, within the universe of movement.  I view it as a limited world.  A world with many problems.  A polluted world.  Gymnastics and yoga and boxing and mind-body methods and other martial arts […]

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The Allocation of Willpower

Britt-Marie Sohlström via Compfight Willpower is a limited resource.  When you expend it, by exerting your self-control, you are left weaker.  Eventually it replenishes itself, with rest, time for recovery, and nourishment (glucose.)  Everyone has a fixed quantity of willpower that they can invest in regulating themselves to work towards the goals that are most […]

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